Used To This | Elevation Worship & Maverick City
Elevation Worship
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Used To This | Elevation Worship & Maverick City
Time stands still
Whenever I'm with You
No more important place to go

There's no rush
Not in a hurry
It's ok to take it slow

Minutes turning into hours
Doesn't really matter
I just want You

You're the only one I'm after
Spirit come in power
I just want You

Lord forgive me
I've been too busy
Trying to do this on my own

Your embrace
Is what I've been missing
And I don't want to let it go

I just want You
I just want You
Nothing compares to You
Nothing comes close

If this is a glimpse of heaven
I could get used to this
I could get used to this
The fragrance of Your presence
I could get used to this
I could get used to this
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Used To This | Elevation Worship & Maverick City
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